Renting Your Home with Great Point Properties
Navigating Short Term Rentals on Nantucket
Do you rent your Nantucket vacation rental home with us or want to add your home to our rental inventory?
Follow these three steps to ensure compliance with State and Local requirements. Great Point Properties is here to help you every step of the way.
Step 1: Registering Your Home with the State of Massachusetts
Obtaining your Room Occupancy Certificate from the State of Massachusetts is only necessary if you plan on renting your home for more than 14 nights annually. The Certificate only has to be obtained once, not annually.
PDF to Obtain Your MA Room Occupancy CertificateOnce you have completed the process, please:
Email Great Point Properties (Caroline Morris [email protected]) a PDF of your Certificate.
Prominently display the certificate in the rental property(ies) at all times. Failure to do so may result in non-compliance.

Step 2: Registering Your Home with the Nantucket Board of Health
Nantucket homeowners who rent their homes for less than 32 consecutive nights (short term rentals, or STRs) to various tenants are required to register their rental properties with the Nantucket Board of Health to obtain a local permit. The fee for an STR Permit is $250, and needs to be renewed annually. For homeowners who rent their home and cottage as two separate entities, each dwelling requires its own permit, and an example of the permit is below:

Click below to view a step-by-step guide to obtain your permit annually. HERE is a helpful tutorial video on the online application process (please note the relevant content begins at the 10-minute mark).
GPP Information on the Local Short Term Rental PermitOnce complete, please:
Email Great Point Properties (Caroline Morris [email protected]) a PDF of your Permit.
If you have questions about obtaining your permit, email the island’s Health Department who is administrating this process: [email protected].
Registering Your Home for the 14-Day Tax Exemption
If you plan to rent your property for 14 nights or less within a calendar year, you must register for this 14-Day Tax Exemption with both the State of MA and Great Point Properties before January 15 of that same year. If you do not complete your registration by the deadline, you will not be eligible for the exemption.
These two exemptions have to be declared and filed annually by January 15 each year:
Once complete, please:
Email Great Point Properties (Caroline Morris [email protected]) PDFs of both exemptions.
Step 3: Add Your Property to Our Rental Inventory
Now that you have obtained your State and Local certificates and have emailed them to Great Point Properties, please follow this link to add your property information to our rental program.
Add Your PropertyWe are happy to advise you on rates and set up professional photography. Please contact GPP Rental Manager Caroline Morris ([email protected]) or call us at 508-228-2266 with any questions.
What is considered a short-term rental (STR) and are there any exceptions?
In Nantucket, Massachusetts, a short-term rental (STR) refers to the rental of a dwelling unit or portion thereof for 32 consecutive days or less. Rentals exceeding 32 days, or totaling 14 nights or less in a calendar year do not fall under this category.
What are the penalties for non-compliance with Nantucket's STR regulations?
Renting or advertising an STR without a certificate violates Nantucket's ordinances and may lead to enforcement actions outlined in Town Code Chapters 123 and 338. GPP must comply with the regulations and cannot lease properties that do not conform to them.
What are the insurance requirements for STR owners in Nantucket?
STR owners on Nantucket must have at least $1 million in liability insurance. While online platforms may provide coverage, homeowners should ensure their protection, as Real Estate agencies do not offer this service.
What support and assistance does GovOS offer for STR registration?
GovOS offers assistance for system and account-related queries. Users can contact support via email or phone for guidance. CLICK HERE to visit the GovOS short term rental registration portal.
What is the Community Impact Fee?
Do you own more than one home on Nantucket and rent them separately? As of October 1st, 2024, the Massachusetts Department of Revenue requires a 3% Community Impact Fee to be paid by the tenants for leases less than 32 nights.
This 3% fee will appear as a separate line item on the Great Point Properties lease.
GPP Information on the Community Impact Fee Full STR FAQ from the Town of Nantucket